As far as your Short Term Disability and Long Term disability benefit claims are concerned, this law firm is a full-service firm.
We represent clients from making the decision to go out on disability, submitting the application, and handling any issues which may arise, including a potential return to work, if feasible, right through filing a lawsuit, which we hope is never necessary. We handle clients’ paperwork and get between the claimant who is seeking to achieve a maximal medical result and the insurance company with its insistent, never-ending demands for information. Hopefully, the reduction in stress levels afforded by our representation will allow for the best possible medical result.
What is Your Long Term Disability Income Stream?
We always emphasize that, in importance, the client’s medical condition and needs always trump any claim for disability benefits. This does not mean we lose sight of the significance of the income stream represented by the Long Term Disability benefits. We work in every way to ensure that the income stream continues to flow. My experience is that often times when claimants come to me they are not entirely aware of all that to which they may be entitled. We make sure the Gross Monthly Benefit is properly calculated, and we make sure any offsets against that amount are properly stated. Then, when you consider the monthly benefit over the period of time the benefits are payable, it can be realized that the Long Term Disability benefits income stream is a significant asset that must be protected. For example, why there may be occasions when the payout period is different, it is the standard in the industry that Long Term Disability benefits could run through at least age 65, if not the later date known as the “Social Security Normal Retirement Age” which, for people born after 1959, is age 67.
A little math might illustrate better. If a claimant has a “Net Monthly Benefit” (the amount due after offsets) of $2,000.00, a period of five (5) years of benefits has a gross value of $120,000.00.
Do You Need Help With Your Long Term Disability Benefit Claims?
If you have any questions about your Short Term Disability or Long Term Disability claim, please give Herbert M. Hill, P.A. a call and we would be glad to answer any questions you may have. We are available at 407-839-0005 or, toll-free, 844-454-5995, If you would like, after discussing your case, we can set a conference. In most circumstances, that conference would be free of charge but in no circumstance would you be under any obligation to hire me nor would you feel any pressure from me to do so.
Herbert M. Hill, P.A. is a law firm located in Orlando, Florida with a practice extending throughout the state of Florida. While the vast majority of cases handled are for disability insurance benefits, areas of practice include employee benefit claims of all sorts. The firm handles any claims arising under the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (“ERISA”) for disability benefits, medical benefits, retirement benefits of any sort, including pension, 401k, termination agreements or the like as well as claims arising under private disability policies.