Applying for Long Term Disability can come with a long list of questions, including whether or not a Cocoa Beach Long Term Disability lawyer can help with your application. 


Long Term Disability

If you are not going to be able to work for a long time due to an injury or a chronic illness, Long Term Disability is an insurance benefit that will usually pay a percentage of your salary. There are many conditions that are covered under Cocoa Beach Long Term Disability, including:

  • Mental health issuesCocoa Beach Long Term Disability
  • Injuries caused by an accident
  • Cancer
  • Stroke
  • Other health conditions with lasting complications


When Do Long Term Disability Benefits Begin?

Cocoa Beach Long Term Disability benefits usually start when Short Term Disability benefits end. Your Short Term Disability benefits could last anywhere from a few months to a year or more, depending on the benefit period outlined on your policy.


Once Short Term Disability benefits end, your Long Term Disability benefits begin. Ideally there is a completely seamless transition between the two policies, and Herbert M. Hill, P.A. is here to assist in that transition. 


Can A Cocoa Beach Long Term Disability Attorney Help Me Apply?

If you have Long Term Disability insurance and have found yourself unable to work, you need an experienced Long Term Disability attorney. We recommend employing the services of a Long Term Disability attorney before you begin your claim. There are multiple missteps that can be made, and any of them can put your chances of approval at risk. 


Not submitting documentation by the deadline, saying the wrong thing in an interview, not providing enough medical evidence or filling out an application incorrectly could delay or even eliminate your ability to get benefits. A reputable Long Term Disability attorney can help you apply by ensuring that none of the details are missed.


What if My Initial Application Was Denied?

If you have already applied for Cocoa Beach Long Term Disability, and your claim was denied by your insurance company, then you are in luck. Herbert M. Hill, P.A. has years of experience contesting the decisions of your insurer in both administrative appeals and in the courtroom. 


Cocoa Beach Long Term Disability

An attorney who is well versed in Long Term Disability law can assist you in finding expert testimony, advise you on the questions to ask your doctor, and make sure you are not missing any other relevant information that could help get your claim approved. 


Do not wait for your application to be denied. Contact Herbert M. Hill, P.A. today, and we will bring our years of experience and aggressive representation to your case.