About Herbert Hill

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So far Herbert Hill has created 159 blog entries.

We Represent Doctors, Nurses and Other Health Care Professionals

By |2019-06-25T10:30:56-04:00June 17th, 2019|Blog|

This office has, over the years, the opportunity to represent any number of health care professionals, including doctors, nurses, technicians and others as disability attorneys. Specialties represented over the years include OB/Gyn, Neurology, Orthopaedic Surgery, Chiropractor, Internal Medicine, Psychiatry, Psychology, Osteopathic Physicians, Cardiology, Radiology, Family Practice, Dermatology, Anesthesiology, Ophthalmology, Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Physiatry, Pediatrics [...]

Degenerative Disc Disease and Joint Disease

By |2019-04-30T13:51:20-04:00April 25th, 2019|Blog, Long Term Disability|

Of particular import in Long Term Disability benefits claims, is the precise identification of the disabling condition or conditions.  This is especially true with diseases involving the various disc levels of the spine as well as the various joints.  It is interesting to me the differing number of names for the same condition in the [...]

What are Waiver of Life Insurance Premium benefits?

By |2019-04-22T17:32:45-04:00April 22nd, 2019|Uncategorized|

Waiver of Life Insurance Premiums or Extension of Death benefits are sometimes provided in connection with group Life Insurance benefits.  They are usually associated with a pending claim for Short Term Disability or Long Term Disability benefits.  Basically, when a person is medically disabled from work, there is a provision in the Plan Documents or [...]

Chronic Pain

By |2019-03-28T16:56:15-04:00March 25th, 2019|Blog, Long Term Disability, Short Term Disability|

At Herbert M. Hill, P.A., just about all we handle are short term disability and long term disability benefits claims.  We routinely handle claims for individuals who are suffering from the catastrophic effects of chronic pain and pain medication dependence. It is always our intent to empathize with our clients’ medical conditions and understand how [...]

The Content of Your Appeal Matters- How To Effectively Appeal Long Term Disability Claims

By |2019-05-22T14:38:44-04:00March 18th, 2019|Blog, Long Term Disability, Short Term Disability|

Recently, our office has heard from many clients that claims representative have directed them to appeal the denial of Short- and Long-Term Disability benefits in a short, direct statement.  Some clients have come to us after having written to their insurance carrier only stating, “I appeal,” at the direction of the representative assigned to their [...]

Symetra Life Insurance Company

By |2019-03-11T15:30:59-04:00March 15th, 2019|Blog, Life Insurance|

Symetra Life Insurance Company is a new kid on the block in the Short Term Disability Long Term Disability industry, or, at least, this company has suddenly appeared on a slew of cases coming into our office.  It is a corporation organized pursuant to the laws of the State of Washington. It has its home [...]

Medical Records Reviewers Reports

By |2019-03-11T15:26:11-04:00March 11th, 2019|Blog|

Over the many years that I have handled Short Term and Long Term Disability claims, I used to complain in my various writings about the fact the claimant was never afforded an opportunity to comment on the “Medical Records Reviewers Reports” relied upon by insurance companies to deny benefits. The governing federal regulations were changed [...]

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