MetLife, or Metropolitan Life Insurance Company, is one of the world’s largest global providers of insurance. If you were denied your disability insurance benefits by this insurer, you may be asking “What Do I Do If MetLife Denied My Long Term Disability Claim?”
MetLife is one of the largest providers of Long Term Disability policies nationwide and the insurance company our law firm handles with the most regularity during the course of our practice of law.
MetLife’s policies for long term disability insurance through your employer, when it works properly, provide income replacement in the event an employee becomes unable to work due to extended illness or an accident. These benefits may help with essential living expenses, and rehabilitation and are usually paid on a monthly basis.
This law firm has found that MetLife is also one of the insurance companies that most doggedly fights otherwise valid claims.
What do I do when MetLife denies my LTD claim?
If MetLife has denied your Long Term Disability claim, you will need to appeal this denial with medical and occupational evidence which support your status as disabled. First and foremost, you must continue to treat your medical condition as your LTD policy through MetLife will require production of the office visits and the like which show your efforts to minimize the effect your conditions have on your functionality.
Furthermore, you may consider obtaining an independent evaluation by a medical professional. The nature of your medical conditions will dictate whether you should pursue such a course of action and the kind of evaluation, whether medical, neurocognitive or occupational. Oftentimes, medical records cannot paint the picture of a claimant’s functionality in the workspace.
The are many avenues and legal rights you would seek to protect during the course of your claim. The applicable time frames and closing of
Last year, MetLife ceased selling individual, or private, disability insurance. However, it did not sell the existing individual policies it sold. This book of outstanding policies are considered to be in what is called a “runoff,” wherein insurance companies will tighten the standard by which they scrutinize claims for benefits, increasing denials and terminations of claims.
Did MetLife Deny Your Long Term Disability Claim? We Can Help
If you find you are in the unique position of holding an individual disability policy through MetLife and are being wrongfully denied benefits, please call give our office a call. You will need help to overturn the denial of long term disability benefits under the tightened scrutiny exhibited by MetLife through the long term disability claim process.