Long Term and Short Term Orlando Neck Pain Disability Claims

By |2018-02-21T12:16:06-05:00February 20th, 2018|Uncategorized|

Medical conditions of the cervical region of the spine, i.e., the neck, can routinely lead to long term Orlando neck pain disability claims. The conditions involved include cervicalgia and cervical radiculopathy, which is a pain radiating through either arm. Cervical discs are affected by injury and age-related wear and tear commonly leading to cervical spondylosis [...]

Insurance Denial Letter

By |2017-06-22T12:37:16-04:00April 1st, 2014|Blog, Uncategorized|

One of the most distressing letters you can receive is an insurance denial letter denying your claim for benefits. This insurance denial letter will carefully go through and discount without good reason all the evidence you have submitted demonstrating your right to receive the benefits which the insurance company agreed to pay.  You paid good [...]

Production of Tax Returns

By |2023-07-12T16:42:22-04:00August 6th, 2013|Blog, Uncategorized|

Our office routinely represents professionals on disability benefits claims arising out of private disability benefits policies. One issue which routinely arises is the production of tax returns. Herbert M. Hill, P.A. has represented professionals such as medical doctors, dentists, orthodontists, optometrists, podiatrists, psychologists, veterinarians, lawyers, engineers, and accountants. They all have been requested the production of [...]

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