If you have filed a claim for Long Term Disability benefits and have been denied by your insurance company, there are options available to you to contest their decision. Here is how a Daytona Beach Long Term Disability attorney can assist with the appeals process.


If a medical condition or injury has left you unable to work, you will need to file for benefits from your employer-provided or individual Long Term Disability policy. But what happens if your insurance company denies your claim? While it is best to work with an experienced Daytona Beach Long Term Disability attorney as early on in your case as possible, getting your claim denied is a sign that it is time to seek the help of an experienced professional in your pursuit of a different outcome.


The Appeals Process

Most Long Term Disability policies provide for at least one, and sometimes two, internal administrative appeals. It is important that you thoroughly read your denial letter in order to understand why your claim was denied. Some appeals can be won simply by providing missing medical records or other documentation that may have been missed in the initial application.


During an administrative appeal, your claim will be examined based on the internal standards set by your insurance company. Often, the original claim is reviewed by a different claims adjuster to determine whether a new decision will be made. If the claim is denied after internal review, depending on the policy that you have, you may be able to file a lawsuit in Federal Court against your insurer under ERISA law.


Preparing For A Lawsuit 

If your Long Term Disability claim results in a lawsuit against your insurer, you will need legal representation. One way your attorney can make a difference in your case is by ensuring that you have provided adequate medical evidence during the appeals process, since the federal judge in your case will only consider information that is already available in your administrative record with very few exceptions.

The Difference That A Daytona Beach Long Term Disability Attorney Can Make

Reputable Long Term Disability attorneys like those at Herbert M. Hill, P.A.  have assisted countless clients through the  Daytona Beach Long Term Disability claims process. Your attorney can not only help you understand your Long Term Disability policy, they can:

  • File your internal appealDaytona Beach Long Term Disability
  • File your lawsuit in Federal Court
  • Assist in gathering medical records
  • Ensure all insurance company forms are filled out correctly
  • Make recommendations regarding your case based on professional experience
  • And more

It is likely that you have never been through the Daytona Beach Long Term Disability claims process before. With an attorney from Herbert M. Hill, P.A. on your side, you are benefiting from the years of experience and aggressive representation that we bring to your case. There is no reason for you to go through this alone, so contact our office by phone or by filling out our online contact form. We look forward to working with you.