Navigating The Claims Process: How A Celebration LTD Attorney Can HelpHerbert Hill2023-08-15T16:51:08-04:00
When you need to file a Long Term Disability claim, having a Celebration LTD attorney on your side has several benefits. Here, we outline a few ways our legal team can help you navigate the process.
If you have a Long Term Disability insurance policy, you are prepared if you cannot work due to illness or injury. These policies are generally available through your employer or can be purchased privately from an insurance company.
When you need to file a Long Term Disability claim, the process can seem complicated and overwhelming. If you are discouraged and unsure what step is next, a Celebration LTD attorney like those at Herbert M. Hill, P.A. can help you through the process.
We Can Examine Your Policy
Before filing your claim, we need to look at your LTD policy. Every policy is different, and we need to understand together the particular requirements of yours. One important part of your policy is its definition of disability. There also may be details about your monthly payment amounts, how long you will receive payments, and other conditions or restrictions. Being familiar with the terms of your policy gives us a firm starting point for filing your claim.
We Can Explain Laws And Complex Legal Terms
Laws surrounding LTD claims can be confusing if you are not a Celebration LTD attorney. Terms like ERISA must be fully understood if your coverage is through your employer. ERISA (Employee Retirement Income Security Act) can favor insurance companies which is why having an experienced Long Term Disability attorney working on your claim is so helpful.
It is also vital that you understand the exclusions and limitations listed in your LTD policy such as pre-existing conditions, waiting period, duration of benefits, taxability of benefits, and others. We can thoroughly explain any additional terms that are unclear. It is our aim to make the claim process as clear and simple as possible for you.
We Can Hold The Insurance Company Accountable
Our LTD attorneys have years of experience working with insurance companies on Long Term Disability claims. We know the ins and outs of all the major insurers and have gone to battle with multiple insurance companies. Many denials were overturned after the companies had wrongfully denied claimants seeking Long Term Disability benefits.
The bottom line is that you do not want to fight the insurance companies alone. Their resources are limitless, and they aim to deny your claim if they can. Let us fight for you and hold the insurance companies accountable.
We Can Help You Avoid Mistakes
The number one reason a Long Term Disability claim is denied is because an easily avoidable mistake was made. These mistakes can include the following:
Failure to fully understand your LTD policy
Failure to understand your policy’s definition of disability
Failure to supply sufficient medical evidence
Inaccurate language
Missing deadlines
Our Celebration LTD attorney can help you with all of these aspects of your claim so that it has the best chance of being approved.
We Can Help Gather Evidence For Your Claim
As mentioned, a common reason a claim can be denied is the need for more evidence. What you do not want to do is rely on the insurance company to obtain medical records to document your disability. Insurance companies can omit important information that needs to be included. Use our experience to help you gather all the medical information you need to submit your claim.
We Can Limit The Stress Of Your LTD Claim
When dealing with a severe illness or injury, it can be a stressful time. Working with a Celebration LTD attorney can take some of the burden off your shoulders and let you focus on your health and providing for your family. The Long Term Disability claim process can be lengthy and tedious. Having an experienced LTD attorney in your corner gives you the best opportunity to receive your benefits promptly.
Contact our Herbert M. Hill, P.A. team today to discuss your case. We look forward to working with you.