When involved in a claim for Short Term Disability or Long Term Disability benefits, it is very important for the claimant to keep a personal Case Diary involving the case. This point cannot be stressed enough. Let me explain why.
Everyone Takes Notes—You Should Too
Insurance company representatives, doctors, and your attorney are all documenting details related to your case. Keeping your own case diary ensures you have a record of important information and questions, reducing stress and aiding in effective communication during appointments.
Facilitating Doctor Visits
Many clients feel rushed during doctor visits and struggle to remember all their questions. A case diary allows you to jot down questions as they arise, ensuring you address all concerns during appointments. Coming prepared with your diary helps maximize your time with healthcare providers.
Combatting Misquotes and Miscommunication
Claims representatives may misquote conversations or provide inaccurate information. By taking detailed notes during discussions, you can accurately record conversations, document names and contact details, and ensure clear communication throughout the claims process.
Seek Legal Guidance for Disability Claims
If you have questions about your Short Term or Long Term Disability benefits, or encounter issues related to ERISA regulations, consult an attorney experienced in disability claims. Herbert M. Hill, P.A. focuses on handling such cases and offers free consultations to discuss your case diary and legal options. Contact our law firm for more information.
By herbertmhill|2024-05-09T10:42:31-04:00February 11th, 2016|Blog|