One of our primary purposes as Long Term Disability and Short Term Disability insurance claim lawyers at Herbert M. Hill, P.A. is to get between the insurance company and our clients so as to reduce the stress that comes with all the demands.
Many clients and potential clients call us about the seemingly endless demands of the insurance company for many and varying types of forms. With that said, there are a number of points to keep in mind.
Duty Of Cooperation
First, there is a duty of cooperation inherent in any contract which is essentially what your Short Term Disability or Long Term Disability policy of insurance is. In addition, there is usually a specific clause in the policy on the subject of cooperation. Nonetheless, the question is when do the incessant demands simply become too much?
Substantive Entitlement
Second, my answer to this question is answered by this thought. If ever I am standing before a Judge presenting your claim, I want to make sure that I am arguing about your substantive entitlement to benefits, not the procedural issue of whether they had the right to request a particular form or document. This does not mean that we roll over on unreasonable requests but our goal always has to remain in focus.
Highest And Best Result
Finally, one point we keep uppermost in our minds during the course of your representation is that the highest and best result we can
We Are Your Advocates
Keep in mind, during our representation of you, we are your advocates, so you won’t get those bullying phone calls and you won’t have to wonder what to do next. We will need your help to complete forms and sometimes secure medical records but we will do so in a fashion which keeps your stress levels to a minimum.
At Herbert M. Hill, P.A., Short Term Disability and Long Term Disability claims are what we do. It is not a side line or second (or third) area of practice as it is for most attorneys who handle these claims. They only want your case once it has been denied.
Our first purpose is to make sure it is never denied but if it is, we are ready to move. We handle these claims from the point of view of the client who is considering going out on disability, through application for Short Term Disability and then Long Term Disability benefits, following the matter all the way through any appeals and lawsuit.
Herbert M. Hill, P.A. Is Ready To Help You
Our extensive experience as Long Term Disability and Short Term Disability insurance claim lawyers allows us to say that we have been on any horizon which your claim may present. The potential twists and turns are innumerable. We have dealt with just about all of them.
We would be glad to answer any questions you may have. Contact us today to discuss your case.