Over the years, it has become clear to the undersigned that Long Term Disability insurance companies look to many factors other than the merits of the claim in determining whether to pay benefits. The only valid considerations are medical and vocational evidence. Of course, an insurance company will always try to wriggle through one of the many loopholes they provide in the language of their policies in the form of limitations, exclusions, and non-sensical definitions. In a recent claim, a professional employee had been forced to work part-time because of a disabling condition. The insurance company contended the employee had adopted part-time work and was not disabled from that. This type of tortured logic can practically be expected.
Insurance companies have a clear bias against many well-recognized medical conditions. It is almost a certainty that their computers have been programmed to “red flag” all claims involving medical conditions such as multiple sclerosis, cardiac conditions, including chronic heart failure, cognitive brain diseases, migraines, reflex sympathetic dystrophy (RSD), chronic fatigue, complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS), fibromyalgia, neuropathy, degenerative disk disease, including failed backs syndrome, vertigo, dizziness and other inner ear problems. While these are all diagnoses well recognized by the medical community. There are well recognized objective means of diagnosing these conditions with well recognized modalities of treatment available. Nonetheless, the insurance companies and the hired gun doctors they use to review the medical evidence have a clear knee jerk reaction in such claims, to the point of being insultingly condescending when dealing with treating physicians. It would be laughable if so much money wasn’t being spent trying to prove that the insurance company does not owe the deserving claimant.
If you have any questions about your Short Term Disability or Long Term Disability claim, contact us today! We can and would be pleased to answer any questions you may have. We are available at 407-839-0005 or, toll free, 844-454-5995. If you would like, after discussing your case, we can set a conference and take it from there.
Herbert M. Hill, P.A. is a law firm located in Orlando, Florida with a practice extending throughout the state of Florida. Allow us to bring our many decades of experience to bear on your side of the claim!