If you have been diagnosed with cancer and are unable to work, you may be wondering if you are eligible for Long Term Disability. Our Daytona Long Term Disability attorneys have the answer.


In the event of an illness or injury that results in the inability to work, Long Term Disability benefits are provided to replace the loss of income. But does a cancer diagnosis qualify you for these benefits? Like many things that relate to Long Term Disability insurance, there is not a simple yes or no answer. 


The good news is that the Daytona Long Term Disability Attorneys at Herbert M. Hill, P.A. are ready and waiting to bring their comprehensive knowledge, experience, and resources to fight to protect your benefits and rights. 


Will I Qualify For Daytona Long Term Disability Benefits If I Have Cancer?

The success of your Long Term Disability claim after a cancer diagnosis is often largely dependent on your policy language. Cancer stages are significant because they may affect the length of time that you receive Long Term Disability benefits, since your ability to work will often vary depending on the severity of cancer and the type of treatment that you recieve. 


Doctors classify cancers into the following stages:

  • Stage 1 cancer is an abnormal growth of cells that is often confined to a single part of your body and has not grown into neighboring tissues. Stage 1 cancer can often be removed surgically, but it depends on where it is located. 
  • Stage 2 and 3 cancers are growing, but are still confined to one area of your body or they have only spread to lymph nodes. Stage 3 cancers will usually have spread to even more distant lymph nodes. 
  • Stage 4 cancer, sometimes called advanced or metastatic cancer, has spread to other organs and other parts of the body. 


Long Term Disability And Cancer Treatments

Cancer treatments can vary significantly depending on the type of cancer that you have. Some of the common treatments includeDaytona Long Term Disability chemotherapy, radiation, surgery, and more. 


Chemotherapy and radiation can cause nausea, fatigue, pain, and other symptoms that can limit your ability to work. Long-lasting effects from these treatments can sometimes create the basis for a Daytona Long Term Disability claim.


An Attorney Is A Critical Component In Your Long Term Disability Claim

Getting Long Term Disability for a cancer diagnosis can be complex, and working with an attorney who specializes in disability law can increase your chances of a successful outcome. Your attorney will manage deadlines, speak to the insurance company on your behalf, work with your medical providers, and will be able to argue your case in the most persuasive way possible.

If you need representation from a Daytona Long Term Disability attorney, contact Herbert M. Hill, P.A. today.