Could your Long Term Disability insurance company be harassing your medical providers with unscheduled phone calls and expectations that they will be able to provide detailed answers from your medical records with no notice? A Florida Long Term Disability lawyer can help.
This problem is growing worse with the implementation of the new “Medical Records Reviewers Reports” process the Long Term Disability insurance companies are abusing to further delay the administration of your claim. The tactic is to overwhelm your treating doctor with incessant, insulting inquiries about their treatment and opinions regarding their findings.
Harassing Phone Calls
Of particular disgust is the supposed efforts of the hired gun medical record reviewers to contact treating doctors. Really? In the middle of the day, calling without even the respect of setting a conference or offering to pay for the time involved. No, the hired gun expects the doctor either to drop everything and study up on the file, or perhaps the treating doctor is supposed to have your file on the tip of his brain at all times. The number of times the undersigned has seen this bogus approach demonstrates that it is the intent of the insurance company to have it handled this way.
Confusing Communication
Of course, a judge who might review your file is not going to see the multitude of times your long-term disability insurance company has employed a reviewer who uses this approach, one
Herbert M. Hill, P.A. Can Help
This is a problem which we at Herbert M. Hill, P.A. have taken steps to protect our clients’ treating doctors from this abuse, as much as possible. If this is a problem you have been facing, as a Florida Long Term Disability lawyer, we would be happy to discuss the matter further with you. Please contact our office.
Herbert M. Hill, P.A. is a law firm located in Orlando, Florida with a practice extending throughout the state of Florida. While the vast majority of cases handled are for disability insurance benefits, areas of practice include employee benefit claims of all sorts, especially those arising under the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (“ERISA”) as well as claims arising under private disability policies.