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Altamonte Springs Long Term Disability Lawyer

Long Term Disability (LTD) benefits are a crucial resource for individuals unable to work due to injury or illness, providing essential income replacement after Short Term Disability benefits are no longer available.

As your Altamonte Springs Long Term Disability lawyer, we are dedicated to facilitating a seamless transition between Short Term and Long Term Disability benefits. Even if your Short Term Disability claim was denied, it is still important to pursue Long Term Disability benefits. A Short Term Disability denial does not necessarily mean you are ineligible for LTD benefits, despite what the insurance company may suggest.

Navigating Long Term Disability Benefits: What You Need to Know

LTD benefits typically cover a percentage of your pre-disability income, although each policy may define “pre-disability earnings” differently. Some policies may exclude overtime and bonuses, while others may include them.

Key aspects of your LTD policy to understand include:

  • Definitions of “disability.”
  • Length of benefit coverage.
  • The claim submission process.
  • Potential limitations or exclusions that could affect your benefits.

Experienced Legal Representation for Altamonte Springs Residents

At Herbert M. Hill, P.A. we focus on employee benefits cases, particularly those involving LTD claim denials and appeals. We have the experience, knowledge, and resources to protect your rights and pursue the benefits you are entitled to. Our team has represented clients from various industries, handling complex cases with knowledge and skill.

With extensive experience working with all major insurance providers offering LTD benefits, we can confidently address any claim issues or challenges.

Denied LTD Benefits? We Are Here to Help

If your Long Term Disability benefits have been denied, it can feel overwhelming, primarily when you rely on them for financial support. We specialize in helping clients challenge LTD denials and navigate the appeals process. We will gather the necessary evidence and build a compelling appeal to improve your chances of success.

Our legal team understands how vital these benefits are for you and your family. We will thoroughly review your case and ensure all required documentation is submitted on time to give your appeal the strongest chance of approval.

In-Depth Knowledge to Fight for Your Rights

We have years of experience dealing with major insurance companies and are familiar with their strategies. If your LTD claim has been denied, it is essential to act quickly. The appeals process has strict deadlines, and missing them could jeopardize your chances of receiving benefits.

At Herbert M. Hill, P.A., we guide you through the appeals process and present your case in the most effective way possible. We aim to secure the benefits you need so you can focus on your health.

Addressing Common Issues in Long Term Disability Claims

We have successfully handled numerous Long Term Disability claims, including complex cases involving:

  • Earnings Definition: Clarifying what qualifies as pre-disability income under your policy.
  • Disability Definition: Ensuring you meet the policy’s criteria for disability.
  • Own Occupation vs. Any Occupation: Understanding the difference between being unable to perform your specific job versus any job.
  • Overpayment and Offsets: Managing benefit reductions from other income sources, such as Social Security or Workers’ Compensation.
  • Mental Health Limitations: Addressing policy restrictions related to mental health conditions.
  • Self-Reported Symptoms: Dealing with claims involving symptoms that may be difficult to verify through objective medical testing.

Why Herbert M. Hill, P.A. is the Right Choice for Your Long Term Disability Case

At Herbert M. Hill, P.A., we are committed to helping clients with Long Term Disability claims and employee benefits cases. We understand the complexities of LTD insurance and offer personalized, effective legal representation. Whether you are facing a claim denial or need assistance with an appeal, our team is here to support you at every step.

Contact Our Altamonte Springs Long Term Disability Lawyers Today

Navigating Long Term Disability claims, denials, and appeals can be challenging, but you do not have to go through it alone. At Herbert M. Hill, P.A., we are dedicated to helping you secure the benefits you deserve. Contact us today to discuss your Long Term Disability case and learn how we can help protect your financial future.



Unfortunately, my medical condition forced me to stop working. After applying for Long Term Disability benefits through coverage I had with my employer, I was forced to look for representation. No attorney would take my case until I consulted with and hired Herbert M. Hill, P.A. to enforce my rights. It was an excellent decision. Mr. Hill and staff worked promptly to appeal the benefit denial. The appeal was successful and I have been on benefits ever since. After that, Mr. Hill kept my file open. His firm has handled all paperwork and walked me through each issue which came up.


I am a former manager of a well known telecommunications company. After many years on a successful career path, my health conditions forced me to file for Long Term Disability benefits. Although it seemed to me that I was clearly disabled, the insurance company denied my benefits. It was at this time that I decided to employ the services of Herbert M. Hill, P.A. to assist me with the claims. I am glad I did.


At any given time, I knew where my case stood. If I had any questions, they would be answered on my first call or by the end of the same day.

The case was handled efficiently and in a timely manner. I have and will continue to recommend Mr. Hill.


The undersigned is a veterinarian whose health conditions forced me to file for disability benefits, including benefits pursuant to an “overhead” policy.

There were any number of issues which arose, none of which I would have expected. Mr. Hill even came to my office for a review of my office procedures and a meeting with the insurance company’s field representative.

-A.G., DVM

The assistance provided by Mr. Hill and his staff proved invaluable, even continuing with related issues which have continued to arise after my disability claims were approved…

I am extremely grateful for the personal concern shown – not only about my claims but about me – his staff’s concerns as to how my claims and the issues relating thereto would affect me, as a person.

- A.D., Esq.

Mr. Hill filed an appeal which resulted in an early settlement of the ensuing lawsuit which was the result I wanted. Because of the successful handling of that claim, I retained Mr. Hill to handle an issue which arose in conjunction with my entitlement to continuing pension benefits. Mr. Hill again filed an appeal which resulted in those benefits being reinstated.

I was very pleased with not only the favorable results secured as a result of Mr. Hill’s representation but also the manner in which he handled the claim and kept me advised throughout the proceedings.

- S.V.